Sunshine Coast BC

Gibsons Canoe & Kayak Sales, Rentals, Lessons

A Sunshine Coast BC directory of Gibsons Canoe and Kayak Sales, Rentals, Lessons and Clubs. Located in the seaside community of Gibsons BC.

  • Sunshine Kayaking #128 - 287 Gower Point Rd Tel: 604-886-9760
  • Gibsons Paddle Club email only:

Be sure to check other Service Directories for Canoe and Kayak Sales, Rentals, Lessons and Clubs in the other communities of the Sunshine Coast BC.

There are guides available if you are unfamiliar with the area in which you are wanting to paddle, or if you just prefer a guided tour of some of the most beautiful scenery in BC.

For those who want to just 'give it a try' there are lessons available. Be sure to ask for the specific service and experience you are looking for, most outfitters are more than happy to create the perfect paddling experience for you!

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Thanks for all the info! This is one of the best sites I have found! Easy to navigate and I can't wait to visit the Sunshine Coast!

Melanie - Seattle Washington


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