Powell River Auto Repair
This is a Sunshine Coast directory of Powell River auto repair & auto service facilities.
- Aero Powell River Services 7327 Duncan Tel: 604-485-2711
- Big O Tires 4494 Joyce Tel: 604-485-7927
- Blue Tree 7245 Duncan Tel: 604-485-2527
- Canadian Tire 4720 Joyce Tel: 604-485-4639
- City Motors 5951 Arbutus Tel: 604-483-3210
- Don's Garage 9398 Hwy 101 Tel: 604-487-4476
- Dox Auto Tech 4488 Franklin Tel: 604-485-9611
- Garf Baxandall Ford 7159 Duncan Tel: 604-485-9828
- Massullo Motors Ltd 4493 Joyce Tel: 604-485-7981
- River City Auto Sales 7031 Duncan Tel: 604-485-5990
- Valley Auto Repair 3418 Padgett Tel: 604-485-7660
- Vanderkemp Sales & Service 7408 Hwy 101 Tel: 604-485-9774
There are some shops that provide all automobile repair & service and some facilities are specialized. Be sure to ask if the facility you call can handle your automobile service needs.
If you are looking for an auto repair facility in another Sunshine Coast community, be sure to check the other Service Directories from the Sunshinecoast homepage.
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